I receivied the following from Mike Harris of
Sedalia Missouri. Mike is also a member of the Yahoo! Torino Club.
Mike writes"Hello Mike, got your email today and checked out your site.
EXCELLENT site!!! I'm sending you a pic of my 73 Gran Torino Sport
fastback if you would like to add the pic to your site. Mcford's 73 was
the almost twin of mine until he sold it. You might have seen pix of it
in the Torino club album under mburrhead. It has a 351CJ 4V, C6 tranny,
3.25:1 traction loc rear end, factory buckets auto on floor with console and
rallye gauge pack. It also has 90,000 original miles on it and is still
all original. If you have any questions about it feel free to email me.
Thanks for posting it on your site. Oh yeah, went to Toys-R-Us and
picked up a 70 torino cobra die cast "hot wheels" Johnny Lightning
x-mas tree ornament. It's a shiny copper color and is an actual car with
an ornament hanger on it. Thought you might be interested.
Mike Harris Sedalia,
Thanks Mike for the great pictures.
You have done a great job on that car because it looks beautiful.
By the way as soon as I got your email I ran out to the local Toys R Us, they
had 1 Johnny Lightning ornament car in the entire store, a Chevy! I
bought it figuring I could use the special hook on one of my Torinos.
Thanks for the heads up!